Snow... On a positive note...

So the Met offices "red alert" of snow has came down upon us here in South East Wales.  The ladies of Gwenyn Mel 2 live near the workshop, so this morning I decided to walk the nearly 3 miles, almost all uphill to go and pay them a visit.

I left the house this morning, armed with snow boots, waterproofs, gloves, a very warm hat and a phone.

The streets were quiet from vehicles, instead people were walking, children and adults sledding  on every available slope, snowballs a-flying and everywhere looked so beautiful.


As my walk continued, I stopped and said hello to many people, I got a mixed bag of conversations from people, but quite a lot were negative about the snow.  The reasons for the negativity, were their inability to get to work, children at home when they should be in school, panic buying in shops, and that they must resort to walking.

This got me thinking... Why must there be so much negative thoughts?

On a positive note... everywhere and everything looks so different, so beautiful, it gives time for people to have time together where they would otherwise be in work or school.

The streets were reclaimed by pedestrians walking on the roads looking at their surroundings, some taking photos, smiling, walking their dogs, having fun, lots of people seemed to be more friendly talking to otherwise strangers (aka me).

So my journey continues onward and upwards towards the workshop, it begins snowing the further up the hill I go to where I reached the entrance.

The driveway was in at least 8 inches of fresh, unspoiled snow, and everywhere had a very natural feel.

I ignore and walk past the workshop and head straight to the honey bees. Hmmm, boy am I glad I came up when I did.  Their home is a National beehive (one I built naturally) and sits upon two wooden pallets to keep away from the ground.  Even so a snow drift had formed half the way up the brood chamber, that must be 18 inches to 2 foot off the ground.  So I cleared around the hive of all snow and can now only hope that the ladies are fine inside.

To help me out this week, I spoke to the local resident to ask them to check on the hive once or twice a day to clear the hive of any further snow.   I have faith that I will see the ladies again soon.

My return journey home was much the same as coming up, it was great to see so many people outside, dressed appropriately, making the most of the outdoors.  I popped into my mothers place of work and had a lovely cuppa tea made before heading back home.

All in all, it was a great few hours walk, talk to complete strangers, and time to appreciate the natural beauty that the snow has brought. 

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Me, myself and the Bees: Snow... On a positive note...

Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow... On a positive note...

So the Met offices "red alert" of snow has came down upon us here in South East Wales.  The ladies of Gwenyn Mel 2 live near the workshop, so this morning I decided to walk the nearly 3 miles, almost all uphill to go and pay them a visit.

I left the house this morning, armed with snow boots, waterproofs, gloves, a very warm hat and a phone.

The streets were quiet from vehicles, instead people were walking, children and adults sledding  on every available slope, snowballs a-flying and everywhere looked so beautiful.


As my walk continued, I stopped and said hello to many people, I got a mixed bag of conversations from people, but quite a lot were negative about the snow.  The reasons for the negativity, were their inability to get to work, children at home when they should be in school, panic buying in shops, and that they must resort to walking.

This got me thinking... Why must there be so much negative thoughts?

On a positive note... everywhere and everything looks so different, so beautiful, it gives time for people to have time together where they would otherwise be in work or school.

The streets were reclaimed by pedestrians walking on the roads looking at their surroundings, some taking photos, smiling, walking their dogs, having fun, lots of people seemed to be more friendly talking to otherwise strangers (aka me).

So my journey continues onward and upwards towards the workshop, it begins snowing the further up the hill I go to where I reached the entrance.

The driveway was in at least 8 inches of fresh, unspoiled snow, and everywhere had a very natural feel.

I ignore and walk past the workshop and head straight to the honey bees. Hmmm, boy am I glad I came up when I did.  Their home is a National beehive (one I built naturally) and sits upon two wooden pallets to keep away from the ground.  Even so a snow drift had formed half the way up the brood chamber, that must be 18 inches to 2 foot off the ground.  So I cleared around the hive of all snow and can now only hope that the ladies are fine inside.

To help me out this week, I spoke to the local resident to ask them to check on the hive once or twice a day to clear the hive of any further snow.   I have faith that I will see the ladies again soon.

My return journey home was much the same as coming up, it was great to see so many people outside, dressed appropriately, making the most of the outdoors.  I popped into my mothers place of work and had a lovely cuppa tea made before heading back home.

All in all, it was a great few hours walk, talk to complete strangers, and time to appreciate the natural beauty that the snow has brought. 

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