The hive is alive... With the sight of flying...

Once I got to the workshop this Wednesday morning, before entering I noticed a honey bee on the floor.   So after a massive grin appeared on my face I headed towards Gwenyn Mel 2 to see what I could see.

What a glorious sight... Dozens of lovely ladies flying around the entrance and heading out into the wilderness of Cwmbran.

I thought that this is an excellent opportunity to check a little further on how the ladies are coping in their home.  And so after heading into the workshop to don my bee suit and grabbing my phone (which takes great photos) I headed back to the ladies to get a closer look...

After 5 minutes of watching their flying habitats I lifted the roof to give a very quick check on how much food they have left. Excellent to see their own food and some of my food which I gave them still there.  I helped them out by removing dead bees from the top and closed the hive up after a few seconds.

My excitement on seeing them meant, that I just HAD to hang around for a little while longer to watch them fly. I have missed seeing them over the winter period, watching them coming into land, the noise they make, even missed them walking over my fingers.

Honey bees bring me great satisfaction and I want to share my enthusiasm with you. One way for me to do this is to take photos so you can also admire them, but I have one problem with this... These photos do not do any justice when compared to getting up close and personal with them around their home.

As wonderful as these photos are... They can not portray the impact they have on my senses such as smell and sound.

So after seeing the ladies doing well today, my thoughts are now aware that it is time, for the temperamental part of year that is... the end of winter into early spring time (quite often the hardest time for our Honey bees).

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Me, myself and the Bees: The hive is alive... With the sight of flying...

Friday, 1 February 2013

The hive is alive... With the sight of flying...

Once I got to the workshop this Wednesday morning, before entering I noticed a honey bee on the floor.   So after a massive grin appeared on my face I headed towards Gwenyn Mel 2 to see what I could see.

What a glorious sight... Dozens of lovely ladies flying around the entrance and heading out into the wilderness of Cwmbran.

I thought that this is an excellent opportunity to check a little further on how the ladies are coping in their home.  And so after heading into the workshop to don my bee suit and grabbing my phone (which takes great photos) I headed back to the ladies to get a closer look...

After 5 minutes of watching their flying habitats I lifted the roof to give a very quick check on how much food they have left. Excellent to see their own food and some of my food which I gave them still there.  I helped them out by removing dead bees from the top and closed the hive up after a few seconds.

My excitement on seeing them meant, that I just HAD to hang around for a little while longer to watch them fly. I have missed seeing them over the winter period, watching them coming into land, the noise they make, even missed them walking over my fingers.

Honey bees bring me great satisfaction and I want to share my enthusiasm with you. One way for me to do this is to take photos so you can also admire them, but I have one problem with this... These photos do not do any justice when compared to getting up close and personal with them around their home.

As wonderful as these photos are... They can not portray the impact they have on my senses such as smell and sound.

So after seeing the ladies doing well today, my thoughts are now aware that it is time, for the temperamental part of year that is... the end of winter into early spring time (quite often the hardest time for our Honey bees).

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